When the Bride made the bold statement: my Beloved is mine and I am His, it was a statement backed up by confidence in an unbreakable bond. When we say Jesus is ours and we are His, we claim the benefits of our oneness with Him. However, our claim is only as potent as our understanding of that union. A union is only as strong as its bonds. Let's examine what binds Jesus and His Bride. In ancient Israel, it was a father's responsibility to find an ideal mate for his son. We see an example of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 24. In the absence of the father, an older brother, uncle, or next of kin did the honor. So, love was not the reason many couples married though there were exceptions. For example, Samson and the Philistine woman he loved in Judges. However, whether the man and woman loved each other did not matter. Marriage is a covenant and as said in Lesson betrothal was as final as marriage. It was expected that you would love whoever you were in covenant with. The highest...
A daily devotional that equips you to live unrestrained yet set apart for God daily.