Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of frankincense. (Song of Songs 4:6)
Right after the Bride mentioned the mountain of myrrh she mentioned the hill of frankincense too. In SoS 2, Jesus bound over mountains and hills. In the same way, we will also not only go over mountains but also hills. Hills though smaller than mountains are equally significant.
Frankincense as previously spoken about in Lesson 133 represents worship. Its two most significant mentions in the Bible are as incense offered to God and as a gift given to Jesus at His birth.
The hill of frankincense depicts a life lived as worship to God. It represents embracing every opportunity and difficulty with the intention of glorifying God no matter what. The hill of frankincense is evident in the day-to-day challenges and choices we face as believers.
After Saul disobeyed God's command in 1 Samuel 15, Samuel said to him in verse 22:
...“What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.
God loves our offerings and sacrifices. He delights in our willingness to lay down our lives for Him and His purpose but He is more concerned about how we live our day-to-day lives. Many people wait till they have the opportunity to do something grand for God. However, they do not consider that little acts of obedience prepare us for the grand ones. True sacrifice and death to self are shown in the seemingly insignificant choices we make every day.
Hills of obedience release a pleasant aroma that delights God as much as the mountains of myrrh.
Acts 10:38 says, Jesus:
...went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
Before the cross, Christ's grand sacrifice of His life, His lifestyle, and the good works He performed gave glory to God.
In Philippians 1:11, Paul prayed for the Philippians in the Message Translation that they would:
...Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God
The little hills we surmount every day should make our lives a source of praise to God.
Another perspective on living as worship:
Many times when we choose to live our lives as sacrifice, it provokes persecution from men. However, the realization that we do not live for ourselves but for whatever pleases Him gives satisfaction and fulfillment that pleasing men cannot.
Finally, there is a school of thought that rightly says the hill of frankincense represents a life of prayer. This life of prayer goes hand in hand with living a life of sacrifice. Prayer strengthens us to embrace the mountain of myrrh (the cross, suffering, and death) for our Beloved.
Jesus from the beginning of His ministry to the end prayed relentlessly. We must do the same. The ability to live a life of sacrifice and worship demands relentless, unceasing prayer.
Pastor Ayo Ajani often says:
If God can make you a man of prayer, He has made you a success.
In summary, the hill of frankincense means:
- We must concentrate on obeying God each day even in the little things. We must remember at all times that our lives must be lived as worship to God and not to please ourselves or any other man.
- We must be dedicated to unceasing prayer and fellowship with our beloved.
Dear Lord, I ask for the grace to obey each day in the little and the grand. Let me always be conscious that my life is to be lived as worship. Help me produce a pleasing aroma both in fellowship and in every aspect of life.
- Is your life truly ascending to God like the sweet aroma of incense? Does every action you take result in men glorifying God?
- Are you a man of prayer? How can you spend more time fellowshipping with the Lord each day?
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