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Day 149: Virtues of the Maturing Bride 6 (SoS 4:4)

Your neck is like the tower of David, Built for an armory, On which hang a thousand bucklers, All shields of mighty men. (Song of Songs 4:4)

In Lesson 63, we examined the meaning of the neck as used in the scriptures. We spoke about how the neck represents our will. We also spoke about how a stiff neck in scripture often refers to a stubborn, proud, and unyielding heart before God. However, it is beautified by our submission to Jesus.

In SoS 1:10, the Bride's neck was beautified because of her submission to Christ. In this verse, her neck is said to be like a tower. Let's look at that.

There isn't any record of a tower of David in the scriptures but Nehemiah 3:25 gives a hint. It mentions a '...tower which projects from the king’s upper house...'

Towers are long upright structures built to withstand assaults. They are also often higher than other structures so watchmen were posted there as part of the defense of a city. The Bride's neck like a tower alludes to the uprightness of the Bride's will before God. It indicates that her will is aligned with God's and there is no rebellion in her. It also means she has a determination to do God's will as God said about David in Acts 13:22:

...‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.’ 

Hence the specific mention of the tower being David's.

Our text clarifies that this tower is built for an armory. An armory is an arsenal. A place where arms are kept. As we mentioned in Lesson 63, the will is also a component of the soul, alongside the mind and emotion. Our mind influences our will as expressed in our thoughts. What we keep in mind (the kind of information our minds feed on) determines if our wills are upright or crooked before God.

The next description says that on this tower hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men. Bucklers in ancient times were small shields worn on the wrist and forearm to protect the soldier in hand-to-hand combat. The shield on the other hand was large enough for a soldier to hide behind during an attack of arrows and spears from the enemy.

Paul in Ephesians 6 while talking about spiritual warfare said in verses 13 & 14 (Amplified Version):

...put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious]. So stand firm and hold your ground...

We need a strong, resolved will to stand against the enemy. Our will, however, is strengthened spiritually by the shields and bucklers hung around it, not by mere human decisions.

David in Psalm 91:4 said God's truth should be our shield and buckler. Paul in Ephesians 6:16 says to take the shield of faith with which we can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

God's truth is God's word and Romans 10:17 says: comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 

The word of God stored up in our minds (the seat of our will) is what makes our wills and by extension our minds strong and formidable. This is the anatomy of great faith. The devil's first and most important battleground is man's mind. A battle lost in the mind is a battle lost indeed.

The bucklers are said to be one thousand in number. A thousand in scripture is a number that oftentimes represents abundance, something unquantifiable, more than enough. The truth of God is more than able to protect us from and keep us standing against the attacks of the enemy.

Finally, our text says these shields belong to mighty men. Beginning with God, the source of our faith, Hebrews 11 lists great men of faith and their feats. Memories of these men's victories and lessons from their lives further strengthen our wills and establish our faith in God's word.

A resolute will is critical in our walk with the Lord. Every day, we all face temptations, trials, and tribulations in different forms and capacities. Victory against the enemy is only possible when our wills are upright and unbending. This only happens as we fill our minds with the word of God and the stories of ordinary people who have done great exploits through their faith in God.


Dear Lord, I thank You for the victory I have already won in You. I pray that You will help me remain unbending in doing Your will at all times. As I fill my mind with Your truth, my mind is guarded against the darts of the enemy and kept in perfect peace. Amen.


  • What do you know about spiritual warfare? How victorious against the devil's tactics have you been in recent times?
  • Read Hebrews 11 and Ephesians 6:10-18.
  • What difficulties are you facing right now and which scripture can you set your mind on to help you successfully resist the enemy?


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