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Day 83: Lily Among Thorns 2 (SoS 2:2)

“Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.”  Song of Songs 2:2

The word translated love every time the Beloved called the Bride my love is only used in the Song of Songs. That's great, isn't it? 

Its other meanings are attendant maiden, companion, and female associate. So the expression transcends someone you're affectionate towards to someone who shares your life and everything about you. In fact, the origin of this word means a special friend but most importantly, it means someone who tends and feeds a flock. It communicates that Christ truly desires, not just trophies of His victory or PR agents. He wants partners.

When I consider this, it reminds me of the establishment of the marriage institution in Genesis chapter 2. Eve was made a help meet for Adam. To be the Bride of Christ is more than just being loved by Him. It is to be His friend and associate. To partner with Him in His work on earth.

In our text today, the Bride is called a lily among thorns among daughters. In Lesson 1 (our introductory lesson), we said the daughters of Jerusalem are fellow believers in the body of Christ.

When we read through the New Testament, however, we'll see that there are also thorns within the church. They are called by many names and described in many ways. Jesus in Matthew 7:15 referred to them as wolves in sheep's clothing. In John 10, He called them thieves who do not come in through the door, and in Matthew 7:23, workers of iniquity. Peter in 2 Peter 2:14 referred to them as accursed children.

How come we have thorns in Christ's body?

In Matthew 13:24-43, Jesus told the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares which describes how the devil sows weeds among God's own people. Because at early stages of growth, wheat and tares look really alike, the field owner instructs that they both be allowed to grow together. At harvest time (the end of this age), when both are fully mature, they will be easily distinguished. Then the Lord will separate them. The tares will be burned and the wheat gathered into barns.

In Hebrews 6:8 Paul said something similar about those who backslide from the faith:

“For men’s hearts are just like the soil that drinks up the showers which often fall upon it. Some soil will yield crops as God’s blessing upon the field. But if the field continues to produce only thorns and thistles a curse hangs over it and it will be burned.” (The Passion Translation)

In essence, Paul said when we feed our hearts the wrong information and ideas about God, it will bring forth thorns. If we feed it the true word of God and doctrines in keeping with the scriptures, it will yield crops.

Thorns are not just spiritual leaders. Some in the congregation are thorns too. Some of them became thorns because they were not intentionally nurturing their love for Christ. Some allowed themselves to be swayed by false teachings. And for some, love of the world gradually squeezed out love for God.

These thorns within the body of Christ hurt sincere believers and may lure them away from the faith. It may be through wrong doctrines, abuse in any form, exploitation, manipulation, persecution, etc. Paul in many of his letters especially in the book of Galatians spoke of men who caused dissension and taught false doctrines in the church.

Many children of God are blown away by the winds of false doctrine daily. Many turn away from the faith and become thorns again. In contrast, those who remain steadfast in Jesus and are not swayed by false doctrines and teachers, who continually grow in God's love, are lilies blooming among thorns. Jesus admires and cherishes everyone who wholeheartedly pursues and partners with Him.

There are many thorns in the body that started as lilies. So we must pay attention to Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 10:12 (Amplified Version):

“Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation].”


Dear Father, I ask that you will keep me from falling and purge me of whatever seeks to corrupt that which Christ's blood has cleansed. If I have gone astray or not kept Your word, lead me back to the right path. Amen.


  • Meditatively pray David's prayer in Psalm 139:23-24:

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.”


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