Sustain me with cakes of raisins, Refresh me with apples, For I am lovesick. Song of Songs 2:5 To understand this verse, we'll have to start with the last phrase: for I am lovesick. There are two lessons from this. We'll look at one in today's lesson and another in tomorrow's. Have you ever been at a party or in the company of friends where you were having so much fun you wished the moment will never end, yet, you're exhausted? It's the perfect place you want to be, yet you're drained from all the energy it was demanding. (Introverts will understand this better.) The Bride in verse 4 was exhilarated. She was with her beloved in the banqueting house celebrating their love. She expressed how His love had conquered her. She was beside herself with joy. In SoS 1:2 she said his love was better than wine and she's experiencing just that. So this was a moment of overwhelming satisfaction. It's like when fans faint in the presence of their favorite c...
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